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The boutique wedding marketing agency for busy wedding pros ready to outsource Pinterest, blogging, SEO, and more.

When Is It Time To Hire A Virtual Assistant and Outsource?

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Outsourcing Tips


July 25, 2022

Maybe you are at a cross-road and are wondering, “Is it time to hire a virtual assistant or to outsource?”. First off, congratulations! Needing to outsource help is a good thing! It means that you are growing your business successfully, and it’s time to do more.

Adding a team member can be daunting, and the idea of handing out tasks can be scary for some people. But, there are many reasons why outsourcing can help you grow! As a wedding pro and entrepreneur, you’re a visionary. A virtual assistant can be an implementor! They can focus on taking these visions and turning them into reality.

You Are a Wedding Pro With No Time

One of the top reasons to outsource as a wedding professional? You need more time! If you’ve had to turn away new clients because you don’t have the time for the backend work, it’s time to outsource.

As a business owner, I know how valuable your time is. Imagine all of the things you can accomplish if you outsourced even just 1 task each month. Let’s say you want to outsource Pinterest. Right now, Pinterest is taking you 5 hours per week, 20 hours per month, 240 hours a year. Imagine all of the things you can do with an extra 20 hours a month! You could spend more time on that dream wedding or catch up on much-needed sleep. Do you feel like you should be getting more done, but don’t have enough time? When you start hitting your capacity, it is a good idea to start looking for help.

You know things are falling through the cracks

Have you started noticing more and more projects getting pushed aside, or even falling through the cracks? Details matter as a wedding pro. And when you are running out of time, and steam, details can easily fall to the way-side. A company can’t afford to many missed details, which is when hiring help can be a real-life-saver. If you are doing everything yourself so nothing is officially getting done or completed, you need to outsource. A good outsourcing team or virtual assistant will make sure you always look good and are on top of it.


Outsourcing Guide for Wedding Professionals

You Need an Expert

You know what is awesome about outsourcing? You are hiring an expert in their field! Plus, you don’t have to pay insurance, sick days, or vacation, like you would an in-house employee. And let’s not get started on training that employee! Instead, when you outsource to a professional, you are hiring them for their expertise.

The biggest difference outsourcing is that a Virtrual Assistant or marketing team habe their own skillset and does not need to be trained. They will need to be shown how your business works, but they are not someone you bring on to train and grow their skills.

For example, when you hire Ava And The Bee, you are getting a team of marketing and content experts, with 15+ years of wedding experience. There is no need to train us on the lingo, or how weddings and events work. Instead, you can hand over your marketing tasks knowing that an expert is taking care of them!


4 Ways to Prepare Your Wedding Business to Hire Your First VA - She Creates Business Podcast

You don’t know how to do it all

Owning a business means you wear a lot of hats. But it’s okay to hire someone to help with something you don’t know a lot about. I personally am not good with accounting and QuickBooks… so I have an accountant who does that! Maybe social media is not your thing, or the idea of writing a blog makes you want to cry. No problem! You can outsource that! Just because it is a task you don’t like to do, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have it done. Just find the right assistant to who you can outsource this work to.

Take a minute to look at your business and your task list. Are there items on there that you hate doing? Or are there items you really just don’t know how to do? I bet there are quite a few! If you are spending a lot of time on these tasks, stop, and find someone to help!

Outsource Today!

Your time and energy should be on doing the things you love. Not on the things that eat up your day, and take you away from your free time! Are you ready to hire a virtual assistant? Do you have any questions on how Ava And The Bee can help? Reach out I would love to chat! Even if you just have questions on how the process works to outsource, I can walk you through it! No question is too big, or too small.


A wedding pros guide to outsourcing!

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