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The boutique wedding marketing agency for busy wedding pros ready to outsource Pinterest, blogging, SEO, and more.

How to Repurpose Your Content

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Blogging Tips, Marketing


May 10, 2021

Do you know what’s the biggest mistake you’re making in your content marketing? Every time you come up with an idea for an Instagram post, a newsletter or a blog post, you only use it that one time. Do you know what you should be doing instead? You should be working to repurpose your content as much as possible, and create as many pieces of content out of one idea that you can. This strategy can make your life so much easier because you’ll always have content to share!

What should you repurpose?

The easiest way to repurpose your content is to turn your blog posts into social media posts. Why blog posts? Simple. Blogging should be the core piece of your content marketing strategy. A single 500-word blog post can easily create weeks of content to share on social media. Not blogging yet? You should be! Blogging is essential for SEO. Having a blog on your website gives you almost endless opportunities to add additional (and relevant) keywords to the list you are targeting. According to UberSuggest: Recent statistics reveal that marketers who blog consistently will acquire 126% more leads than those who do not.

For blogging, I suggest at least twice per month. When it comes to blogging, blogging is about consistency and quality over quantity.

Repurposing content extends your audience’s reach. Posting a blog post without sharing it across multiple platforms really limits your reach. Every blog post should be shared on Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook three times, at the very minimum. You no longer have to start from scratch every single week! Remember: your audience only consumes a small percentage of your content, and they definitely don’t see every Instagram post you have. So if you share a blog post three different times, they will not be annoyed!



How to repurpose an educational blog post

For wedding pros, there are two types of blog posts. We’re going to start with educational blog posts, or blog posts with the intention of teaching your audience something. Let’s talk about how we can break one educational blog post into 26 pieces of content. For this example, I’m going to use the educational topic: “Top 5 Venues in Savannah”

6 IG captions

If the blog is educational, you can share even more! For example, a blog post titled “Top 5 Venues in Savannah” – well that is easy! One IG post will be talking about the blog, and the next five posts will each be about the individual venues. That is six posts from one blog!

2 IG Reels

Don’t forget your Reels! Let’s take the same “Top 5 Venues in Savannah” – do one 60 second reel with a slideshow of images of the venue. Then do a reel for each venue with an image slideshow or a behind-the-scenes video of you at the venue.

No video of the venue yet, but have an upcoming wedding happening there? No problem! There is no time limit on your content. No one is going to notice if you share the fourth venue three weeks later. 

4 IG stories

Stories have higher engagement than your feed so ALWAYS create a Story to let people know you’ve published a new post. Try also doing something fun like asking a question first or getting people to take part in a poll.

5-8 Pinterest pins

For every single blog post, you should have 5-10 Pinterest pins. We use Canva to make our client’s pins, so they are all designed differently, with slightly different titles and captions, but all link to the same page. This also lets us A/B test copy and Pinterest graphics to see which perform the best.

Don’t forget Pinterest stories! This is a newer feature and perfect for educational posts. Create 1 Pin story for your blog post.

6 FB posts

Have the first Facebook post be an outline of the blog post, tagging all 5 venues. Next, every few days, post a different venue – making sure to tag them on Facebook! By posting on three different occasions, on multiple days, you are able to get more views. 

That is 26 pieces of content – from 1 blog post! I know you might not want to “overshare” but trust me – your audience will not notice. Your average viewer will see ¼ of what you post, sometimes even less. So talking about the same wedding 4 times on Instagram is fine. Talking about your wedding planning tips 8 times is completely fine. 

Looking for more tips on writing engaging blog posts? Check out this post!

How to repurpose your real wedding blog post

Let’s break down a real wedding real quick. Let’s say it’s a spring wedding in Savannah at The Westin Club Pavillion – aka my wedding (well, what it was supposed to be before we pushed it back to September!)

When you blog a wedding, remember you need to have text! A blog post with just images and no copy will not help you. When writing a blog post for a client’s wedding or a styled shoot, the story of the couple and the wedding day should be the main point of the blog post. Every couple’s wedding is unique – so shine the spotlight on their day! This is also where you can bring in the vendors that were involved in the day, and how they made it unique. Remember: these vendors are keywords as well! Always, always talk about and link to the vendors!

Once you have your real wedding blog post ready to go, you can start to repurpose your content for social media. There are so many different ways you can do this!

6 IG posts + captions

You can easily share a lot of images from a real wedding. These images can include: 

    • The couple sharing a special moment from their day
    • The bridal party (Be sure to tag the vendors and especially the wedding gown designer if there is a gown!)
    • Ceremony detail
    • Reception (Talk about the location. Make sure to include why they chose that location, what venue they chose, and any personal details. Make sure to link all venues/vendors!)
    • What package the couple booked and what you did for them
    • A unique aspect of their wedding.

2 IG Reels

Once again, don’t forget your Reels! At every single wedding make sure to get a few behind-the-scenes videos. I want you to add this to your wedding day workflow! Remember – this can be a team member’s job. If you are a planner, have them get a before and after video to show the space. Florists can record themselves making a bouquet. DJs can get a video of people dancing.

4 IG stories

When you repurpose your content, you definitely want that higher engagement that IG stories can give you. You can easily even create a slideshow of images from your real wedding.

5-8 Pinterest pins

Just like above, every single blog post should have 5-10 Pinterest pins made. Don’t forget Pinterest stories! This is a newer feature and perfect for every wedding. Create 1 Pin story.

3 Posts on Facebook

I also recommend sharing it at least once on Facebook, but you can share it multiple times to get the most viewers!

If you are sharing two or three times on Facebook, break up the text. For example:

  • Post an outline of the wedding, with a link to the blog post.
  • 2-3 days after the first post, post about the bride’s outfit or a detail shot of her accessories.
  • Again, 2-3 days after the second post, post about the couple and include a sweet detail of their wedding day.

Not only will the couple be happy to see their wedding being shared, but they will most likely share the post on their Facebook wall. And their Facebook is going to be filled with potential clients – so why not encourage them to share more than one post!

That is 23 pieces of content – from one wedding! And remember – this can also be spaced out. Not everything has to go up the week after the blog post – filter it out through the next 6-8 weeks.

A few tips for when sharing on social media: 

  • Remember – you can use a scheduling platform for Pinterest! I know pinning 5-10 times per day sounds overwhelming, but it isn’t! You can use a platform called Tailwind, which allows you to schedule pins out – think of it as Planoly for Pinterest.
  • Make sure you geotag and tag all vendors! Geotagging means you list the location, which is huge for searches on Instagram. I found a vendor for my own wedding looking at the wedding venue images on Instagram using Geotags.
  • Don’t forget past events + anniversaries! Easy posts are 1-year anniversary. These can be pre-planned on a platform like Planoly. 
  • Do you have some older weddings that are your ideal couple or style? Reshare again and again!
  • No weddings right now? No problem!
    • You can recycle former blog posts
    • Or even pages on your website. Take your about page! Pull three fun facts from your about page. There you have three feature Fridays ready to go.
    • Don’t forget your FAQ! These are awesome items to repurpose and recycle on social media. Remember – your client most likely is not reading every single thing on your website. So share it on social media! If you have 10 FAQ on your website, BAM! You now can repurpose your content to be 10 Instagram posts and 1 IG Reel. Heck, you can even create a blog post out of it.
    • Testimonials! These can always be recycled.

There are so many ways to repurpose your content to create awesome social media posts. These are just some of our ideas. Struggling to come up with blog content that you can reuse? No worries! Ava and the Bee has you covered! Just reach out to us, and we’ll help you create an awesome marketing strategy! Blogging is our love language, and creating engaging content is our favorite!




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