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How To Create A Consistent Content Marketing Strategy

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December 22, 2021

Content marketing might be important for wedding professionals, but it can also be overwhelming! From dozens of platforms, to how often to post, to the right strategy – no wonder most wedding pros decide to just skip it! Fortunately for you, I LOVE content marketing! I love finding the best platforms for our clients, creating a consistent strategy, and brainstorming months of topics at a time.

Content marketing is the single most effective way to grow your business online without paying for ads. Today I’m going to go over what content marketing is, the channels you can use, and how often you post! I’ll also be breaking down some content buckets so you can create a consistent strategy.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a type of marketing that involves creating and sharing online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that focuses on both brand awareness and advertising your services. When it comes to wedding pros, your goal is to find clients, right? But, if all you did online was say “Book me today!” chances are, you wouldn’t get a lot of hits. So for my clients, and you, we will focus on sharing content across all of your engaging platforms, tells a story, and speaks to your ideal couples. But by using content marketing, you are engaging in a more authentic way, that builds that know, like + trust factor (before you ever hop on a call!)

The Content Marketing Channels

For wedding vendors, I suggest you focus on three channels that are broken down by type. As you decide on the content channel for you, keep in mind your ideal audience.

One core platform: This is where you will house a majority of your longer content. Think of this as a home that you own, allows for longer-form content, and focuses on providing a lot of value to those taking the time to consume it. For wedding pros, this is often a blog, YouTube channel, or podcast.

One traffic platform: This is the platform that will drive the people to your core platform. For wedding pros, this is most likely going to be Pinterest. I know Jen has excellent rooms on Pinterest, so I won’t dive too deep into it.

One social platform: This is the social media platform where you will share your content, showcase your work, and connect with your audience. For wedding pros, this is most likely Instagram, but it could also be Facebook. Often, our client’s biggest platform is Facebook and not always guaranteed to be Instagram!

A few other content platforms to consider:

  • Email Marketing
  • Courses
  • Ebooks and PDFs
  • Freebie opt-ins
  • TikTok

Decide the frequency of your content

Next up, you’ll want to decide how frequently you’ll be able to create content feasibly. This will look different in every business, but consistency is the key to success. Having a plan will help you stay on track, reduce stress, and lead to better results. 


I suggest at least twice per month. Most of our clients are at four blogs per month, one per week. When it comes to blogging, blogging is about consistency and quality over quantity. If you plan on just throwing up some pictures with no text, blogging will not work for you. Or if you post every week for three months then go silent on your blog, that won’t help with your long-term strategy. Make sure that every blog you post is thoughtful, accurate, and going to leave your readers inspired.


Pinterest needs to be done every day. You can use a third-party platform, like Tailwind, to schedule pins out for you! Think of Tailwind like Planoly is for Instagram. You schedule in pins, and it auto posts them for you.


I suggest posting 3 days a week as a minimum. This is also a platform that you might be more active on during wedding season when you have many behind-the-scenes images to showcase. You should be on Instagram Stories at least three times a week. Some IG experts will say every day! This allows you to give a behind-the-scenes look at how work, and most importantly, you! You should also do IG Reels twice a month. These are 15-30 second videos that can stay on your Instagram, so they are perfect to showcase new work.


Facebook can sometimes be the most underutilized platform – but it is still huge for wedding pros! Especially with some of your target markets. Couples are on Facebook, but most importantly, their parents are on Facebook. Even older planning clients ask their parents for planning advice! I’m 30, planing and paying for my wedding, and my mom still gives me planning ideas.

Email Newsletters

For email newsletters, I think this is especially important for certain vendors. While all vendors can do well for this, I’ve seen great success with planners, stationery artists, and venues. I suggest starting with one newsletter per month! I can dive into email marketing and freebies on another day, but I do think this can be a great platform!


How To Start a Blog As a Wedding Photographer or Wedding Planner - Ava And The Bee


Outline your content buckets

One of the easiest ways to have a great content strategy is to have content bucket themes. These are topics you will talk about again and again!  Content buckets should be direct, to the point, and focused so that they tell your ideal client what they need to know about you, your business, and your offerings. It’s better (and way easier!) for you to focus on these 8-10 topics again and again. This will not just allow your audience to see consistency, but it makes your life 10x easier. There is no reason to have 1289 buckets! Your goal is to make couples feel comfortable with you, love your services, and want to book you! So keep it easy and consistent.

Your content buckets should show up as Categories on your blog, your Instagram Posting Strategies (on your feed), and Highlights for your Instagram Stories. You want to constantly circle back through your content buckets so that your ideal customer has no question about what you do, why you do it, and who you do it for!

Keep in mind these can also be personalized. Always have a few buckets around YOU! I have a wedding photographer friend named Wendy. She posts frequently about her pug, keds shoes, polka dots, and bows. And people KNOW her for it. Clients gift her polka-dotted items and tag her in pug dog posts. 

Content bucket example

As an example and to give you some inspiration, these are the content buckets I outlined in a strategy session with a client. She owns a wedding stationery business located in Annapolis, Maryland. These content buckets can be shared across ALL platforms.

  • Local Events + Weddings. This will allow you to showcase your local market, local vendors, and local events.
    • When you go to local events, take a behind the scenes picture
    • Showcase your local vendors
    • Showcase your area 
    • This can be shared in a blog post, Instagram, IG stories + reels, YouTube, etc.
  • Real weddings + shoots aka your blog posts
  • Behind The Scenes. As you create new items, or come up with proposals for clients, share this! This can include images of you working, IG stories of your workspace, inspirational moodboards, etc. 
  • Showcase every suite and break down the pieces. This ties into your Freebie.
  • Timelines. Remind couples on IG every month of when they should be ordering their invitations. (Ex: It’s March! Getting married in September? Order now!)


Create a consistent content marketing strategy

As you take time to create this consistent strategy, remember that it is okay to start with just a few content buckets and just 2 blogs per month. This is about finding the strategy that works for YOU and YOUR business! Looking for help on your strategy? We offer strategy sessions, just for wedding professionals and vendors. I’ll help you create an effective content marketing strategy that helps you cut through and stand out online without paying for ads. Reach out and let’s get your content strategy mapped out!

How to create a consistent content marketing strategy for wedding professionals | Ava And The Bee

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