Guide, prompts & a blogging dashboard

One Year Content Guide

for Wedding Stationery Artists

A full year of educational blogs, outlined for you, just for wedding stationery artists and shops  & a blogging dashboard to get your content organized (and finally start to publish your great blogs!)

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One Year Content Guide

If coming up with blog topics makes you want to pull your hair out, this is for you.

this guide will outline 24 educational blog topics, broken down by quarter.

You know you should be blogging. But coming up with educational topics for your stationery business? Not your cup of tea.

This isn’t just a blog topic or title. You get suggested keywords, what to talk about (intro, body and call to action), video ideas and social media ideas.

You also get a Notion Blogging Dashboard we built so that you can create your 12 month content calendar in just minutes - not hours.

And it’s not just for the educational blogs we outline for you - but for your real weddings too! You will get our guide on what to talk about in a real wedding as a stationery artist so that you can easily map out your complete calendar.

You'll have a place to outline each blog, create your content calendar, and get our favorite tools - all in one easy to use Notion board. 

This gives you the framework so that you can write amazing blogs in your voice, for YOUR audience. No lame, pre-written blogs over here!

Here's what 

you will get

24 educational blog topics in a Google doc

These topics are specific for wedding stationery artists and shops, and not the generic ones you find online. These are tried and true blog topics that we have seen work well for our clients - so we know they will work for you!

Plus, these blog topics are broken down in a Google Doc so that you can start writing directly in the document - or use our Notion Blogging Dashboard!

a break down for each blog post

> The Topic
> Title Suggestions 
> SEO Keyword Suggestions
> The Why - Yes I even break down the strategy behind the post!
> The Intro - What to write about in the introduction.
> The Body - Prompts you can answer so that the post is customized for you, your services and your audience (but you still know what to talk about!)
> The Conclusion - Including how to create your Call To Action
> 1-2 Reel Ideas - Video prompts for each blog post.
> 2 Social Media Post Ideas - So that you know what to share on social media.

a content calendar & blogging dashboard in notion

An easy-to-use calendar that gets you accountable to actually post. With this guide, you will be able to map out each blog post, schedule the date, see our favorite writing tools, and even outline your real weddings & event blog posts.

A video walkthrough

I will walk you through exactly how to use this guide, and the Notion Calendar, to get you blogging today.

i'm ready to get blogging!

broken down by quarter

Creating an educational blog calendar is about having strategy. So we have the blogs broken down into quarters, so you know which items to post which quarter to utilize search trends.

Why we don't believe in

pre-written blogs.

I know that buying a pre-written blog is super tempting. But here are the reasons why they actually hurt your business:

Pre-written blogs are not personal, or customized for you. Your couples are unique. YOU are unique. Why shouldn't your blogs be unique?

They actually hurt your SEO. When you copy and paste a pre-written blog, you are now competing with everyone else who bought that blog post. Which means there could be 100+ blogs out there with the same title, copy and SEO keyword. If you just copy and paste a blog, and a couple Googles and see 10 of the same exact blog post, they are not going to be enticed to click on yours.

Google doesn't like duplicate content. Google’s goal is to answer questions with the best articles. They do not want several pages with the exact same content to come up in the search results. So if they see a lot of the same article, they might not even share them as a result.

They are too generic. Couples are savvy and want to hire a unique wedding vendor. You are not generic, so don’t have generic blogs! 

give me the content!

let's talk the faq's

Blogging is of our passion.

check out blogs that book

how did you come up with these topics?

We have written over 800 blogs since 2018, and worked with dozens of stationery artists - so needless to say we know a thing or two about content strategy. These topics are based on Google Trends, top searched keywords, and knowing which blogs have performed the best for our clients.

are these inclusive?

YES! We are LGBTQ+ allies, so every single post is inclusive.

What is the difference between this and just a blog topic list?

While just a blog topic or title might spark some ideas, we have found that most people are looking for more help. This is why you will get suggested keywords, talking points (for the intro, body and conclusion!), and social media ideas - including Reel prompts!

what if i create or offer do non-wedding items?

While these blog topics are focused on a wedding side, most of them can be repurposed for non-wedding events as well! We also discuss how to use the topics if you have a shop, and if you do custom stationery. So no matter what you offer, these blog topics will work for you!

what if I don't know how to blog

No problem! Learn how to create a blogging SEO strategy that gives you leads every month with our Blogs That Book Formula - only inside our course Blogs That Book.


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(It's going to cost you at least $300 to outsource an educational blog post. In fact, it would cost $9500+ to have us write them for you. So this is seriously a steal.)

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